201 West Oklahoma
Anadarko, OK 73005
The Oklahoma VINE system is a service through which victims of crime can use the telephone or Internet to search for information regarding the custody status of their offender and to register to receive telephone and e-mail notification when the offender's custody status changes. The VINE toll-free number for the Oklahoma VINE system is 877-654-8463. This service is provided to assist Victims of Crime who have a right to know about their offender's custody status.
Inmates are sorted by the date they were booked. If you are looking for a specific inmate, search their name to filter results.
The Caddo County Sheriff's Office currently has inmates in custody.
We could not find who you were looking for or may be in the process of updating our inmate search.
Please check back at a later time.
You can also check VINE Link to see if the inmate may have been released or transferred to another facility.
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